Recruitment Company Finance

Why Does My Recruitment Company Need Funding?

Recruitment companies are well known for facing cashflow challenges. The nature of the work is that their temporary staff need paying weekly. Usually, in advance of the recruitment company receiving funds from their client. 

We have various solutions for your recruitment company. We are able to introduce you to suppliers who may offer some or all of the services below. This will enable you to concentrate on running your business. 

Stand alone funding via Factoring or Invoice Discounting is also available. These options are for those who have the necessary staff and expertise to perform the back office duties themselves. 

Facilities are available for both Temporary and Permanent Recruitment companies. 

Recruitment Company Services Available

  • Funding of up to 100%, debtors insured allowing time to grow sales 
  • Perms up to 100% funding and the ability to offer 12 month rebates 
  • All your payroll completed for you 
  • Outsourcing of back office duties 
  • Tailor made services to your requirements where possible 

Services are suitable for both new start and established recruitment businesses. We can tailor them exactly to your business requirements. 

To discuss your requirements further, please use our Contact Form or call us on 07788 972727

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